Thanksgiving Drive 2021

Dare to Care Thanksgiving Drive 2021

Dare to Care Thanksgiving Drive 2021


[edgtf_title_with_number title=”AGENCY DESCRIPTION” number=”01″ title_color=”#000000″]

Dare to Care (DTC) is a community-based 501(C)3 organization located in Lauderhill, Florida. DTC has served the South Florida community for over 16 years and has several targeted initiatives it provides to the South Florida community.

[edgtf_title_with_number title=”COMMUNITY STATEMENT OF NEED” number=”02″ title_color=”#000000″]

Broward County has been identified as an area where food insecurity is a reality that many residents face daily. According to the most recent Census Bureau data, in Broward County, 14.3% of the population goes days or more without access to enough food to be active and healthy. Most striking is that 18.9% of children in South Florida are food insecure, meaning 236,270 children go to bed hungry every night. Of those experiencing food insecurity, 17% do NOT qualify for federal nutrition programs and often must rely on emergency food assistance programs like Dare to Care.

[edgtf_title_with_number title=”INITIATIVE” number=”03″ title_color=”#000000″]

Our current initiative is our annual Thanksgiving food drive. On the Saturday before Thanksgiving, DTC provides groceries for a complete Thanksgiving dinner, to local residents. The entire community comes out and participates in this event. Local television and/or radio stations promote the activities live.

[edgtf_title_with_number title=”DARE TO CARE IMMEDIATE NEEDS – $50,000″ number=”04″ title_color=”#000000″]

In 2020, we fed over 2,500 families. The grocery consists of all of the items that are part of a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Our goal this year is to feed 3,000 families. Our cost per family is approximately $30.00. We have identified a financial shortfall in our budget to successfully complete this initiative of $50,000. This is our immediate and most pressing need.